Lagree Method

high intensity & low impact full body workout

The Lagree Method is the only workout that effectively balances high intensity with low impact movements. This delivers results, fast and safely. 

The Megaformer™ is certainly one of the best fitness equipment in the world. It is based on a system of resistance and counter resistance that place muscles under constant tension and work them to failure point, a key to the method’s delivery of swift results.

In simple words: you will shake, sweat and feel sore days after your class!

A unique fitness equipment holding 97 patents

hundreds of exercises and their multiple variations, will keep you and your muscles always surprised

The Megaformer™ provides a dynamic platform for our instructors to continuously create new and unique workout experiences, constantly evolving and challenging our clients in new ways.

The method offers mostly compound exercises, performed at a slow and controlled pace, for the most effective muscle stimulation and to build the strong and long lean physique that has made this workout famous.

up to 600 muscles activated simultaneously

a group class setting with personal attention and care.

Classes are done in small groups with a maximum of 7 people in Studio Forum, 8 in Studio Seefeld, and 14 in Studio Selnau.

You get the maximum attention, care and support while benefiting from the energy of a group fitness class.

We also throw in awesome music to get your endorphins flowing!

Looking for extra TLC*, try our Lagree light class. The pace of this class is slower, with a selection of exercises that are easy to perform. You will still feel those shakes and burn, but we will make sure you can take your time to understand the method and perfect your form.

It is also recommended for beginners and pregnant clients.

*Tender Loving Care

Lagree light classes are a good starting point if you are new to the Lagree Method